HERhealthEQ projects have deployed 3 pieces of Breast Cancer screening equipment, impacting 18.1K+ women to date.

According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer worldwide and detected early at the localized stage, has a 5-year relative survival rate of 99%.

HERhealthEQ has donated mammography systems and thermal imaging equipment to help detect breast cancer.


From 2009 to 2011, the number of mammograms performed at Hospital Tony Facio Castro in Limón, Costa Rica declined sharply, from 2,600 to just 685 annually. This decline in women screened for breast cancer was attributed to old machinery frequently going out of service.

In October of 2013, HERhealthEQ CEO Marissa Fayer, teamed up with Hologic and Fundacion Anna Ross to donate a mammography machine to the hospital. In the years that followed, the number of women who died from breast cancer decreased significantly, from 19 in 2013 to 12 in 2015. This decline has occurred even as the number of women diagnosed with tumors has risen. This important outcome is a testament to the need for high-functioning screening equipment and a commitment to regularly screening at-risk women.

The latest metrics from this project show a 400% increase in mammograms performed in the Limón region of Costa Rica, with more than 18,000 women in Costa Rica screened using equipment donated by HERhealthEQ.


In partnership with Jhpiego International, Wayu Health, and Niramai, we’re excited to launch a full breast cancer screening program with the goal of screening 70,000 women in just two years.

Our breast cancer screening program will enable local Indian women to learn the basic techniques of a breast self-exam through the launch of a mobile phone app. This then connects them to follow up care with a clinical breast exam and screening technology.

This program will also utilize India-based Niramai thermal imaging technology to detect “hot spots” within breast tissue in a no-contact and culturally appropriate method. This thermal technology also indicates potential cancers with a 27% increased accuracy over a traditional mammogram.